Medical - Review

Medical - Overviews

Review of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: an evidence-based approach to diagnosis and management by clinicians

by Alison C Bested and Lynn M Marshall

This review was written for treating clinicians. The article talks about diagnosing ME/CFS and about its etiology, pathophysiology, management approach, long-term prognosis and economic cost.

Dr Bested was a member of the expert panel that developed the Canadian Consensus Criteria and a member of the panel that developed the IACFS/ME Primer. This article builds on those two documents and incorporates developments since the Primer was released.

The article was released in "Reviews of Environmental Health", a journal published by the company De Gruyter. It can be viewed on the De Gruyter site here

Supplementary Article Materials

Encéphalomyélite myalgique/syndrome de fatigue chronique : une approche basée sur les preuves pour le diagnostic et la gestion dans a médecine clinique

Article matériaux supplémentaires

The French translation is courtesy of the National ME/FM Action Network.