ME/CFS Primer for Clinical Practitioners





Our Network received the following important message from Dr. Fred Friedberg, PhD, President, IACFS/ME.

Quote: "Dear Members, Colleagues and All who are interested in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, On behalf of the board of directors of The International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (IACFS/ME), I am pleased to announce the release of the ME/CFS Primer for Clinical Practioners.  (ME/CFS and CFS/ME are equivalent terms.)  The goal of the Primer is to provide the information necessary for clinicians to understand, diagnose, and manage the symptoms of ME/CFS.  The text was developed over two years by the 11-member Primer Committee and externally reviewed by a number of international ME/CFS specialists and advocates.

Highlights of the Primer include:

  • - A summary of the pathophysiological effects of ME/CFS to date
  • - A user-friendly diagnostic worksheet utilizing the Canadian   Consensus Criteria
  • - Straightforward treatment suggestions covering an array of ME/CFS symptoms
  • - Emphasis on post-exertional malaise and activity management
  • - Sections on special populations/ problems (e.g. severely affected, pediatric ME/CFS, pregnancy)

The full Primer document is available on the IACFS/ME website in a printer-friendly format with a requested donation of $15 to help continue the work of IACFS/ME. We hope you find the Primer to be a useful adjunct to your practice and a worthy companion to your reference library.


With best regards,

Fred Friedberg, PhD
Primer Committee  "UNQUOTE