Thursday, 24 February 2011 17:24 Last Updated on Saturday, 05 March 2011 19:23
Medical - Overviews
Retrovirus - Quick Facts
(Unless otherwise indicated, information is from http://www.wpinstitute/org)
- Retrovirus: XMRV (xenotropic murine-leukemia-virus–related virus)
- First discovered: in prostrate cancer tumors
- First discovered in ME/CFS patients: October 2009
Original test of blood - 67% positive
Refined test of blood plasma - 95% positive - 3 separate labs tested for & were first to discover XMRV in ME/CFS patients: National Cancer Institute, Whittemore Peterson Institute, Cleveland Clinic
- Researchers used PCR assays and Flow cytometry - Blood samples came from several regions of US & a few from other countries
- Criteria used for patient selection: Canadian Criteria & Fukuda Criteria - XMRV was also found in some fibromyalgia & atypical MS patients
- Contagious through blood transmission.
- Not contagious via air
- Elevated Rnase-L pathway & low Natural Killer cells are usually present in ME/CFS patients with XMRV.
- Retroviruses can activate other latent viruses e.g. EBV - ME/CFS is now a XAND (X associated neuro-immune disease)
- Replication by inserting itself into the host cell's DNA, thus further generations of the cell will contain this viral DNA.
- "Secret Weapon" of retroviruses identified - 02/2010. A "virulence factor" inhibits the host immune response and allows the virus to spread throughout the body. This factor is a sequence of amino acids that is located in the envelope protein of the virus. Abstract Article: