ME/FM Consensus Documents

Medical - Consensus Document

The Consensus Documents for ME/CFS and FMS are clinical milestones in the fight against these complex and often debilitating illnesses. The National ME/FM Action Network wishes to thank all the members of the Expert Consensus Panels, and their Consensus Coordinator, Marjorie van de Sande, our Director of Education, for all the time and effort put into these documents. We also wish to thank our Members for their constant support and encouragement to see these documents to fruition.

The National ME/FM Action Network wishes to thank Haworth Press, Inc. for their kind generosity.

ME/CFS Consensus Document

Bruce M Carruthers MD, CM, FRCP(C); Anil Kumar Jain, B Sc, MD; Kenny L De Meirleir, MD, Ph D; Daniel L Peterson, MD; Nancy G Klimas, MD; A Martin Lerner, MD, PC, MACP; Alison C Bested, MD, FRCP (C); Pierre Flor-Henry, MB, Ch B, MD, Acad DPM, FRC (Psych), CSPQ (Psych); Pradip Joshi, BM, MD, FRCP(C); Ac Peter Powles, MRACP, FRACP, FRCP(C), ABSM; Jeffrey A Sherkey, MD, CCFP(C); Marjorie van de Sande, B Ed, Grad Dip Ed. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Clinical Working Case Definition, Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 11(1) 2003. © 2003 by The Haworth Press. Inc. All rights reserved. The Haworth Press Inc.

View the ME/CFS Consensus Document

Canadian Consensus-Document for ME/CFS

Posted with the kind permission and compliments of Haworth Press

FMS Consensus Document

Jain AK and Carruthers BM, co-editors. van de Sande MI, Barron SR, Donaldson CCS, Dunne JV, Gingrich E, Heffez DS, Leung F Y-K, Malone DG, Romano TJ, Russell IJ, Saul D, Seibel DG. FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME: Canadian Clinical Working Case Definition, Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols. A Consensus Document. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 11(4), 2003. © Copyright 2003 Haworth Press Inc., Binghamton, NY.

The FMS Consensus Document was also published simultaneously as a book - Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Clinical Definition for Practitioners. IJ Russell: editor. Haworth Medical Press © 2004.

View the FMS Consensus Document

Although this Consensus Document is known as the Canadian Consensus Document, there was an International Expert Consensus Panel.


Canadian Consensus Document for FMS

Posted with the kind permission and compliments of Haworth Press.


Overviews of the Canadian Consensus Documents

In order to further assist busy medical practitioners, Dr. Bruce Carruthers, lead author of the ME/CFS Consensus Document and coeditor of the FMS Consensus Document, and Marjorie van de Sande, Consensus Coordinator for both Documents, wrote user-friendly Overviews.

Journal of Internal Medicine
B.M. Carruthers etal20 July 2011 
Myalgic encephalomyelitis:  International Consensus Criteria [ME ICC]