Tuesday, 06 September 2011 00:00 Last Updated on Tuesday, 06 September 2011 08:07
Aboutus - About us
The National ME/FM Action Network assists those afficted with ME/CFS and FMS through education, advocacy, support, and research.
Being a national organization, we choose projects that will bring widespread awareness and understanding of these illnesses and will benefit patients across Canada.
1993 – 2011
The National ME/FM Action Network adopted the theme of The Goose Story. The Canada Geese flying in “V” formation have a 71% greater flying range than each bird flying on its own. People who share a common direction and goal can get there more quickly and easily as they are traveling on the thrust of one another. The National ME/FM Action Network follows that course through support, advocacy, education and research.
June 18, 1993 National ME/FM Action Network officially receives charitable status.
First newsletter published on May 4, 1993.
Establishment of May 12th as International ME/CFS and FM Awareness Day in Canada.
February 1, 1994 the bi-monthly newsletter receives its name QUEST.
Corporate logo created based on The Goose Story.
Board of Directors formed.
Website launched.
Facebook communication.
CFS KnowledgeCenter communication.
QUEST quarterly Newsletters created of medical and legal significance.
The Journey added to QUEST to cover treatments and support matters.
Established relationships with support groups and associations in Canada and around the world for mutual collaboration.
Resource Books and guides developed for CPP disability pension applications, ME/CFS and FM pamphlets, manual for legal matters and TEACH-ME for Teachers and parents for children and youth with ME/CFS and FM.
Fall 2010 Unheard Voices: My Story initiative started to collect ME/CFS and FM stories.
Established communications with research facilities.
Established National Doctors’ Roster of medical professionals experienced with ME/CFS and FM.
Surveyed the medical professionals enquiring what they felt was the most important tools they needed to diagnose & treated ME/CFS and FM.
Expert Medical Panels established in anticipation of reviewing the draft definitions.
2003 ME/CFS ME/CFS Clinical Working Case Definition, Diagnostic & Treatment Protocols: A Consensus Document published in the Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
2003 Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Canadian Clinical Working Case Definition, Diagnostic and Treatment Protocols – A Consensus Document published in Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain and co-published simultaneously in The Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Clinical Case Definition for Practitioners.
Hosting of conferences and meetings.
Communications established with relevant government departments and agencies in Canada.
Collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention in the drafting of the 1994 booklet “The Facts About Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”.
Established National Lawyers’ Roster of lawyers experienced in ME/CFS and/or FM legal cases and willing to see clients free for initial consultations.
Communications with the legal establishments.
Network takes on intervenor status in court cases.
Appointed a media representative to scan the media and follow up on any subjects dealing with ME/CFS and FM for follow up.
Communications with Health Reporters on ME/CFS and FM matters.
THE NATIONAL ME/FM ACTION NETWORK is the host of the IACFS/ME 10th international clinical and research conference for ME/CFS, FM and related illnesses in Ottawa – September 22nd – 25th, 2011 and a simultaneous patient conference on September 22nd, 2011.
NOTE; For a detailed history of achievements, please see our library.
Learn more about the History & Achievements of our Network:
We are dependent on memberships and donations to carry on our work on behalf of the ME/CFS/FM community. Please join us.