Tuesday, 27 November 2012 00:00 Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 November 2013 21:47
The National ME/FM Action Network quarterly newsletter QUEST is not posted on its website until one year after publication. Therefore, only its highlights are shown here.
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Newsletter Spring 2012 # 90 - English
This newsletter is dedicated to Canadians who wantedto attend the Biennial International Conference of theIACFS/ME hosted by the NationalME/FMActionNetwork September 2225,2011,Ottawa,Ontario butwere unable to do so.
Newsletter Spring 2012 # 90 - French
Ce bulletin est destiné aux personnes vivant au Canadaqui auraient voulu participerà la conférence biennale internationaleorganisée par l’Association internationale pourl’EM/SFC (IACFS/ME) dont l’hôte était l’organismecanadien NationalME/FMAction Network du 22 au 25septembre 2011 à Ottawa,Ontariomais en ont étéincapables.
Newsletter Summer 2012 # 91
In this issue, we look at Canadian based resources onME/CFS and FM, including three important documentsreleased in Spring 2012. We also look at CPPDisabilityfrom the perspective of adjudicators andpolicy makers and at Celiac disease in an articlewritten for us by a Canadian expert, Dr. Mohsin RashidofHalifax.
Newsletter Fall 2012 # 92
A major focus of this issue is on a document entitled“2012 Canadian Guidelines for the diagnosis andmanagement of fibromyalgia syndrome”. Theseguidelines have been endorsed by the Canadian PainSociety and the Canadian Rheumatology Associationand are being shared with health professionals acrossthe country. The National ME/FM Action Network wasnot involved in any way in the development ofthe 2012 guidelines.
While the National ME/FM Action Network welcomesinitiatives aiming to improve the diagnosis andtreatment of patients with FM, we have seriousconcerns about the 2012 guidelines. Our analysissuggests that the 2012 guidelines will lead toconfusion, further deterioration in service for FMpatients, and an increase in stigma.