Saturday, 10 November 2012 00:00 Last Updated on Thursday, 23 October 2014 22:53
Aboutus - About us
The Dr Alison Bested Scholarship Fund was established to recognize the tremendous support and dedication Dr Bested has given to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity(MCS) patients in Canada.
The purpose of the fund is to facilitate the training of medical students in ME/CFS, FM and MCS by reimbursing some or all of their expenses (such as accommodation, meals and transportation) while they receive training at a recognized ME/CFS, FM, MCS assessment or treating facility.
Currently the funding is offered to students attending the Environmental Health Clinic (EHC) in Toronto as part of the University of Toronto Medical School elective program. This program is open to visiting students from anywhere in Canada.
Students attending the program will receive up to 4 weeks of intensive training. They will be required to familiarize themselves with the medical literature on ME/CFS, FM and MCS. They will work side-by-side with the doctors at the clinic while doing initial assessments as well as follow up appointments.
Who is eligible?
Canadian Students enrolled in the Environmental Medicine elective at University of Toronto can apply.
For successful applicants, funding will be provided upon receiving proof of completion from the teaching facility along with an expense voucher.
Upon completion of the program, students must submit an essay to the ME/MF Action Network describing their experience at the clinic and the benefits of the knowledge gained in the program. This submission may be printed in the Network newsletter.
What is the amount of the scholarship?
Students will be reimbursed up to $1,000.00 for expenses incurred while attending the program.
Up to 3 scholarships will be awarded in an academic year depending on available funds.
Selection criteria
Successful candidates will be selected based on their application submission.
How to apply:
Send an email to the ME/MF Action Network This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and ask for an application form.
How can you donate to the Dr Alison Bested Scholarship Fund
We value this fund as an effective way to encourage medical students to study in the field of ME/CFS, FM and MCS. Medical students gain a wealth of knowledge by working alongside doctors at the Environmental Clinic who are foremost experts in Canada. The knowledge they gain will be shared with their piers thus spreading awareness in the medical community.
"These passionate physicians have definitely opened my eyes to a whole new population of patients: they have shared their insight in managing some extremely deliberated patients, and whose care is too frequently overlooked in our medical community" - Cathy Zhang, Medical Student, McGill University
To make a donation:
Online: Donations are accepted through Canada Helps. Follow this link. Under fund designation, select the Dr Alison Bested Scholarship Fund
By mail: Send a cheque or credit card number to:
National ME/FM Action Network
512, 33 Banner Road
Nepean, ON K2H 8V7